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Mustafa Kemal Atatürk “From Egypt to India, in all parts of Islamic world, he is hailed by peasants as the beloved subject of God, by religious leaders as the sword of faith, by statesmen as the revolutionary of the East.” Fransız yazar Marcel Savage “Think of an instance when the Renaissance, Reforms and scientific and cultural revolution of the West, the French Revolution and the industrial revolution all squeezed into the life span of an individual and imposed by law. Thus Ataturk carried out this revolutionary programme between 1920 and 1930, one which has not been implemented in any country." İngiliz tarihçi Prof. Arnold Toynbee “Gentlemen, it is not frequent that we see a genius coming through the centuries.İt is the misfortune of the Allies that this great genius happens to belong to the Turkish Nation.” İngiltere Başbakanı Lloyd George “Kemal Ataturk or Kemal Pasha, as we knew him in the days of my youth was my hero. I was very touched when I read about his great revolution. I appreciated immensely his affords in trying to make Turkey modern state. This dynamism and perseverance affected one beyond description. He is one of the builders of the modern era in the East. I continue to be among his greatest admirers.” Hindistan Devlet Başkanı Jawaharlal Nehru “In Pakistan, we regard Kemal Ataturk as not only one of the greatest statesmen of this century, but one of the greatest men of all ages.” Pakistan Devlet Başkanı Eyup Khan Aşık Veysel'den Atatürk'e Ağıt'ı dinlemek için tıklayınız.
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Kanada HaberleriJekfer Kozanoğlu
Uzun yılların İngilizce öğretmenliği ve Kanada deneyimiyle en iyi okulları sizler için seçtim. Arşİv
August 2015